Issue 2018 No. 1 (54)


917: influence of the october revolution on the fate of private business in Russia (on the example of “association of oil production of brothers Nobel” in astrakhan according to documents GAAO for 1880-1917)

Nemchinova A.L.
9-14   320

В статье на примере «Товарищества нефтяного производства Братьев Нобель» в Астрахани рассматривается судьба владельцев промышленных империй. Товарищество «Брат...
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Stillwearemuchignorantaboutthecossacks' mood”.surveyofthedoncossacks’ attitudesby the party and government organs in the mid - 1920-s

Rvacheva O.V.
15-23   320

Inthemid 1920s after the launch of the “face to the peasantry” policy in the USSR changes came in the relationships between the authoritiesand such a specific social group as the Cossacks. In the 1920s the Don Cossacks still were a solidary social group to be counted with. That was in spite of t...
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The role of the national intelligentsia of the republic of Kalmykia in the development of the education sector in the period of the restoration of the republic

Lidgheeva C.F., Olchanova C.V.
24-29   325


Brylova L.Y.
29-36   322

In the article the first time, based on unpublished archival documents and regional periodicals, studies issues related to the staging, teaching of needlework in primary, secondary and vocational schools in the Kuban region. Statistical materials, the state of teaching needlework, program requiremen...
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The perception of Europe image among russian students: “perceptual filters”

Morozova E.V.
37-44   334

He article reveals the results of the project “The perception of Europe among young people in the context of current geopolitical transformations”. A focus group discussion was the main method of gathering empirical information. To assess and conceptualize the data obtained, the results were dis...
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Elaborating Mechanisms of the International Legal Status of the Caspian Sea: History and Outcomes

Zhiltsov S.S., Zonn I.S., Rozhkov I.S.
44-49   350

Collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 led to the increase in number of the Caspian Littoral States. It was necessary under the circumstances to revisean old legislative frameworkand renew the legal status of the Caspian Sea.Former Soviet-Persian and Soviet-Iranian agreements, whichhad previously dete...
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Corruption in the military sphere and its influence on safety of the Russian Federation

Vartumyan A.A., Fedotov D.S.
50-54   339

In work an attempt to carry out the analysis of kinds of corruption offenses in the military sphere as the difficult social phenomenon having various forms of the manifestation which aren't always obvious is made. The malignancy of their influence on safety of Russia is defined. Constructive ways of...
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The evolution of relations between Turkey and ISIS

Suchkov M.A., Rumachik I.A.
55-60   324

The making of the ISIS (outlawed in Russia) and its strengthening will have long been a phenomenon to study. What is clear now, however, is that even though the organization was finally self-sufficient it couldn’t have lasted for so long and be so battle-efficient if it were not for the direct or ...
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State policy towards single-industry cities and regions: current imperatives and trends

Krekotnev S.N.
61-65   351

The article deals with current aspects and future directions of formation and implementation of public policy for cities and regions with monospecialization, as well as it’s role and importance in modern conditions. The relevance of this direction of activity of the state in the current socio-poli...
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The modern world and new opportunities of В«soft powerВ»

Lisyansky I.N.
66-70   288

The article reflects the actual change in the system of international relations on the modern stage. Examines the tools and methods of international cooperation. Special attention is paid to "soft power" as a set of strategic measures to promote the national interest of individual countries in the i...
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Role of smart mob technology for the process of political instability initiation

Baygushkin A.I.
71-82   309

The globalization process allowed to form a new latent type of political aggression that is based on initiating political instability (IPN). One of the key elements of this political technology is an ability to use a network principle and, in compliance with the doctrine of swarm, to form a mob in l...
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Efficiencyconditions of economic sanctions in context of contemporary world politics

Shlyundt N.Y.
82-88   309

Issues of the effectiveness of economic sanctions are one of the priority areas in the studies devoted to foreign policy instruments. Among the authors of such studies, there is still no consensus on the effectiveness of sanctions. The range of their opinions is very broad - from extremely pessimist...
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Measuring civic engagement in eastern partnership countries: comparative analysis

Manukyan S., Msryan S. (R
89-101   314

Promotion of civic engagement is one of the key components of governmental toolkits and civic initiatives in six Eastern Partnership countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, which were especially activated after The Eastern Partnership (EaP) processes were ...
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F. M. Burlatsky about socio-political transformations in China

Sobolev V.A.
102-111   317

The comprehension of the causes, conditions and results of socio-political transformations in China in the period from 1949 to 1982 remains an urgent research topic. Discussions and disputes on these issues continue today. Since 1968, Fyodor Burlatsky (1927-2014) published his assessments and charac...
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Bitcoin and economic policy of Russia

Grigorev A.V., Lebedeva I.V.
111-115   308

Cryptocurrency is extremely popular today. In many countries people pay withcryptocurrency and sometimes they even paid salaries with it. In our country, a new currency came relatively recently. Despite the fact that operations with crypto currency in Russia are illegal, its popularity remains quite...
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Modern management tools of government control over development of power industry as a source of strategic advantage

Markelov K.A.
115-121   312

Power industry plays a leading role in the global economy. The modern civilization development was based on harnessing new energy sources and was characterized by continuous increase of energy consumption. Until the mid-20th century coal and firewood were the main sources of energy. Then the world e...
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On the genesis of the images of the technical future of the USSR in the worldview of soviet society

Artamonov K.A.
122-127   318

This article is devoted to the actual problem of the study of images of the future in Soviet society of the 40-50's. XX century. Images of the socialist future were formed by the scientific and expert community of the Soviet Union. They were presented for free discussion in the framework of both par...
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Analysis of network forms of religious life (for example Orthodoxy)

Dryagalov V.S.
128-134   332

This article analyzes the problems ofmodernnetwork forms of religious life. The main emphasis is on studying the experience of Russian Orthodoxy in this context. The relevance of this topic due to the fact that the growing need of the modern society in digital entertainment and communication in diff...
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Malkhaz Melkonyants to the edge of oikumen

Kanatyeva N.S.
135-143   307

The article describes an episode from the amazing fate of a blind missionary sectarian of the second half of the 19th century. MalkhazMelkonyants, who preached on the territory of the Astrakhan province. Being a Turkish Armenian by birth, he was raised in a special school under the American evangeli...
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Philosophical and confessional factor in ideas and practice of the russian state political life (history and present times)

Bedaev A.I.
144-154   290

The article aims to consider how philosophical and religious factor influenced the development of ideas of the Russian society transformation and its state policy. From chronological point of view the study covers the whole historical way that Russia has made. The author makes conclusions on the dif...
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Intuitive-logic comprehension of the faith

Reznichenko I.I.
154-160   316

Рўhe article raises the question of the positivity of belief. Faith is regarded as a spiritual cognition, as a fact of the origin of thought in the world perception, as an object substantial, as a separate kind of matter. In everyday life, one encounters a desire to logically explain the invisible w...
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The works of F. Bacon's historical and political context

Tsaregorodtsev S.S.
160-169   320

The paper discusses the political aspects of the writings ofFrancis Bacon.It is argued that the main occupation of Francis Bacon was a political activity.Philosophical works of Bacon had a practical purpose. Their goal was a solution to the socio-political problems and problem of state-building.Thir...
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The conception and historical philosophical ground of Aleksey Losev’s philosophy of religion

Grankova M.V.
169-177   451

This article is devoted to disclosure of the Alexey FyodorovichLosev’s concept of philosophy of religion. The most important concepts of the Absolute in NikolayKuzansky, Friedrich Schelling, Georg Hegel, Paul Natorp, Edmund Gusserl and Oswald Spengler's works which have exerted impact on works of ...
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Policy of state and regional elites in development of transport infrastructure of the region

Gorbunov A.A.
178-182   311

The socio-economic development of the region largely depends on the condition of transport infrastructure and well-coordinated interaction of all modes of transport. Achieving this goal is impossible without a coherent policy of center and local leadership and elites of the region in the development...
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The processes of political elites formation in polyethnic regions of Russia

Mikhailova Y.A.
182-191   400

The regional political elite includes representatives of the ruling class, performing political functions in the region through holding senior positions in government bodies, activity in political parties, and public organizations. Specificity of regional elites depends on the level of social and ec...
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Political Culture of Modern Elites and Counter-elites of Belarus

Gavrilina N.E., Polkhovsky D.V., Siyanova T.V.
192-199   341

Modern Belarus demonstrates a stable socio-political state, despite the attempts by a number of Western countries to weaken and destabilize its internal situation. The sanctions introduced in the 2000 by the western countries against the Belarusian showed their low efficiency. The political class of...
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The Decline of European Postmodernism. - A book-review of “Infinitely criminal. How politicians and the media hold back the crimes of migrants” written by Udo Ulfkotte and Stefan Schubert. Grenzenlos Kriminell. Was Politik und Massenmedien über die S

Lebedeva I.Va.
200-204   319

The book, written by the authors in 2016, is a logical continuation of the previous works of the authors, devoted to security issues in modern Germany and the problems associated with the presence of a large number of migrants in the society. The authors argue that many events might not have happene...
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Book review: James Scott “The art of not being governed”

Karneev R.R.
205-210   332

The reader is offered a review of the translated recently book by the well-known American anthropologist and sociologist James S. Scott "The art of not being governed". This review considers the reasons and the limits of the production of a review, reviewing of something....
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