Philosophical and confessional factor in ideas and practice of the russian state political life (history and present times)

Bedaev A.I.


The article aims to consider how philosophical and religious factor influenced the development of ideas of the Russian society transformation and its state policy. From chronological point of view the study covers the whole historical way that Russia has made. The author makes conclusions on the differences in the sources which generate the ideas of the state and society reforming, how the political course is implemented in different periods of Russian history, as well as differences in the role that such ideas played in the past and play now. Therefore the article considers not only the religious idea of Russian middle ages, but also the “Russian idea” which appeared later. The author allotted a particular part to the issue of the role this factor plays in the political life of modern Russian society. In this respect the author has analyzed the ideas suggested by K.A. Frolov and K.A. Loginov, V.N. Sagatovskiy, patriarch Kirill, as well as theses stated in the Bases of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church. The review nature of the article presupposes the use of comparativism method, descriptive and dialectical method, as well as general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis.
