Stillwearemuchignorantaboutthecossacks' mood”.surveyofthedoncossacks’ attitudesby the party and government organs in the mid - 1920-s

Rvacheva O.V.


Inthemid 1920s after the launch of the “face to the peasantry” policy in the USSR changes came in the relationships between the authoritiesand such a specific social group as the Cossacks. In the 1920s the Don Cossacks still were a solidary social group to be counted with. That was in spite of the military, political and social turmoil, the change in social status and worsening of the welfare state. Uptothemid 1920s the Cossacks were reserved, distrustful, and even hostile due to the fear of new repressions. This forced the Party and Soviet authorities to search the ways to reconcile with the Cossacks in order to draw them to the processes of Soviet state organization. For that reason the Party and Soviet authorities started surveying the Cossacks’ social and political attitudes to devise the ways of turning the Cossacks into a loyal social group. Establishment off actors and conditions that affected the Cossacks’ attitudes let the authorities devise measures on integration of the Cossacks into the Soviet system of social and political relations. The article covers the authority measures on surveying the social and political attitudes of the Don Cossacksas well as the main ways of modification of those attitudes.
