Measuring civic engagement in eastern partnership countries: comparative analysis

Manukyan S., Msryan S. (R


Promotion of civic engagement is one of the key components of governmental toolkits and civic initiatives in six Eastern Partnership countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, which were especially activated after The Eastern Partnership (EaP) processes were put forward in 2008. Despite these efforts, civic engagement is still low in almost all EaP countries. This paper aims at studying the level of civic engagement in Eastern Partnership countries in a comparative perspective, which will give insight into the question of at what level “attributes” of democracy are developed in the countries which are currently involved in broad consolidation processes. We constructed a measurement model of civic engagement and built a Composite Index of Civic Engagement to enable meaningful comparison of EaP countries based on the derived results. For comparative analysis we used database of 6 Wave of World Value Survey (WVS). The variables involved in WVS performed good ability to tap measurement model of civic engagement in EaP countries. The results gave evidences that civic engagement in Armenia is higher comparing to Azerbaijan, Belarus and Georgia and is equal to the one in Ukraine.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2018 No. 1 (54)




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