Political Culture of Modern Elites and Counter-elites of Belarus

Gavrilina N.E., Polkhovsky D.V., Siyanova T.V.


Modern Belarus demonstrates a stable socio-political state, despite the attempts by a number of Western countries to weaken and destabilize its internal situation. The sanctions introduced in the 2000 by the western countries against the Belarusian showed their low efficiency. The political class of Belarus has withstood and successfully adapted to this negative pressure from the outside. Much more important are the internal political problems of this state. At present, the political dialogue between the elite (power) and the counter-elite (opposition) is not constructive. In fact, the political system has not been modernized. There is a command-administrative style in elite selection that suppresses the initiative from below and limits the open competitive struggle for power.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2018 No. 1 (54)




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