State policy towards single-industry cities and regions: current imperatives and trends

Krekotnev S.N.


The article deals with current aspects and future directions of formation and implementation of public policy for cities and regions with monospecialization, as well as it’s role and importance in modern conditions. The relevance of this direction of activity of the state in the current socio-political realities is noted, the problematic aspects of the functioning of single-industry municipal entities in Russia and abroad are highlighted, promising policies in this area are pointed out. It is concluded that policies for cities and regions with monospecialization, as a result of various assumptions, factors, etc., in turn, leads to certain quantitative and qualitative differences observed in specific models, and this raises the question about the possibilities and limits of borrowing foreign experience of this direction of activity of the state in particular countries and in relation to specific single-industry towns and areas.
