Issue 2023 No. 4 (77)

The ideal male image in military-aristocratic environment in the reflection of the Rus’ 11th–14th centuries chronicles: key features and interregional tendencies

Novikov Alexander S.
9-19   366

The article raises the problem of the origin and development of the image of the ideal man from the military-aristocratic environment, proposed by the Russian chronicles of the 11th–14th centuries and presented mainly by the dukes. The military aristocracy in the Middle Ages is under the scrutiny o...
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Conspiracy letters of the Saratov priest Yakov Egorov (the first quarter of the 18th century)

Kanatyeva Natalia S.
20-28   312

The relevance of the article, first, consists of the introduction into scientific circulation of new factual data about conspiracy letters – attributes of witchcraft practices used in Russia for several centuries. The purpose of the work is to show one of the reasons that urged to use such forms of ...
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Tseren-Dorji Nominkhanov (1898–1967): a thorny path in science (on the 125th anniversary of the scientist’s birth)

Ochirova Nina G.
29-39   483

The contribution of the first Doctor of Sciences of Kalmykia, Ts.-D., is invaluable. Nominkhanov in the development of oriental science and, above all, in Mongolian and Turkic studies, which is highly appreciated in the scientific world and is generally recognized. The scientist lived a bright life,...
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Ufa and Astrakhan: from governors to trade (interregional connections as a factor in the formation of a single all-Russian market in the 19th – early 20th centuries)

Rodnov Mikhail I.
40-49   311

The history of interregional contacts is one of the poorly studied topics of Russian historiography. Between Ufa and Astrakhan, despite the vast distances separating these cities, since the 18th century, at least, there have been stable and diverse ties. Many officials, including major administrator...
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Legislative aspects of the organization of the peddling trade in “edibles” in the capital cities of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries

Sutula Yulia V.
50-59   415

The article deals with the problems of regulating the peddling of food products by city public administrations in the capital cities of the Russian Empire in the last quarter of the 19th – early 20th centuries. The demand for this type of trade was determined by the availability to the consumer, cus...
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From the life of the Kalmyk clergy in the late 19th ‒ early 20th century

Komandzhaev Alexander N., Indzhieva Bayrta M., Shikhanov Namsyr A.
60-71   268

The relevance of considering this problem is explained by the need to clarify a number of already known facts, as well as to enrich the study of Kalmyk everyday life in the pre-revolutionary period with additional sources. The purpose of the study is to characterize the most important events for soc...
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Transformation of the structure of fishing clusters in the Volga-Caspian fishing region under the influence of migration processes in 1861‒1914

Kulakova Nataliya I., Krasnozhenova Elena E.
72-91   331

The abolition of serfdom and the creation of a free labor market created the opportunity for the active development of internal migration in the form of the Volga region peasants working for seasonal earnings in the Volga-Caspian fishing region. High wages and demand for labor increased the labor mi...
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Strike movement in Astrakhan during the First Russian revolution 1905-1907

Voronova Anna A., Lebedev Sergey V.
92-100   356

First Russian Revolution 1905–1907 affected all layers of Russian society and responded with a powerful social explosion to problems not resolved by the authorities. Study of the revolutionary process 1905–1907 Based on the materials of Astrakhan, the largest economic center of the Lower Volga regio...
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The Maritime Museum in the system of training shipbuilders of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute in the first third of the 20th century

Kuznetsova Olga N., Khlamov Ivan I.
101-112   391

The system of training shipbuilding engineers of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute (SPbPI), which laid the foundations of the school of civil shipbuilding in Russia of the twentieth century, largely functions today. Initially, when creating the shipbuilding department (faculty sin...
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Activity of the medical service of student construction teams of the Astrakhan region in the early 1970s

Baduginova Margarita V.
113-123   287

The purpose of the article is to study the formation and activities of the medical service of the Astrakhan region on health protection and preventive work in student construction teams working in the Caspian region in the early 1970s. In recent years, in connection with the revival of the student m...
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Ideologists of Siberian democratic regionalism on the formation of citizenship of local communities

Golovinov Alexander V.
124-131   331

Within the framework of the publication, an attempt was made to reconstruct and show the concept of the development of citizenship of regional societies in the ideological and political heritage of the founders of the movement of Siberian democratic regionalists (regionalists) ‒ N. M. Yadrintsev and...
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Election assistance: on the edge between work into quality of elections to accusations in external interference

Antushin Nikolay A.
132-145   294

International electoral support is able to contribute to the formation and development of democratic systems, implement the adjustment of electoral institutions that ensure the conduct of elections, credible voters and foreign observers. The effectiveness and efficiency of electoral assistance is qu...
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General classification of elitological epistemes

Obidin Maxim V.
146-155   275

This article is devoted to the problem of elite theories philosophical foundations and based on them elitological epistemes formed in this specific branch of political science. The relevance of the material lies in the author’s systematization of elitist concepts, which allows to combine various app...
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The triangle of "Russia – India – China" in the concept of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation.

Zhu Xu
156-167   375

The “Russia – India – China” (RIC) trilateral cooperation structure, which has been functioning since 2002, occupies an important place among the various formats of multilateral cooperation in which Russia actively participates. RIC represents one of the most significant formats of interaction in th...
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Features of mass consciousness during the period of social changes (the case of the 20th century Russia)

Svoboda Natalya F., Vorobeva Olga B.
168-175   434

The mass consciousness of the transition period contains the potential of future forms, overcoming and negation. This makes it possible for its bearer to cope with the contradiction between the present existence and the desired way of existence, contributing to the realization of the possibility of ...
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Manipulation of consciousness and manipulation of behavior: a socio-philosophical analysis

Avdeenko Evgeniia V.
176-183   242

In modern socio-humanitarian literature, there is a large number of studies on manipulation of consciousness. Manipulation of the behavior of social groups and institutions seems to us an interesting and insufficiently studied subject in social and political philosophy. The purpose of the article is...
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US public relations policy in Kazakhstan as a threat factor for Russia in the Caspian region

Tikhonova Valentina L., Zakutnov Oleg I.
184-195   360

Geopolitical instability in the modern world may lead to growing interstate contradictions, including in the Caspian region, in which the United States is of particular interest due to its ability to influence energy markets. To achieve its foreign policy goals, the US creates precedents of instigat...
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Reception of the anthropological principle of Dostoevsky’s duality in the works of L. Andreev and J. Fosse

Kholodnova Ksenia N.
196-205   260

It is difficult to overestimate the relevance of understanding the manifestation of the duality of human nature. For many centuries, starting with Plato, philosophers and thinkers have sought to understand what this phenomenon of human nature is and what consequences it leads to. One of such philoso...
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Patriotism as a national idea in Russia: motivation aspects of actualization

Gainutdinova Ekaterina V., Rudenko Maksim N., Svechkaryova Veronika R.
206-214   375

The article analyzes the phenomenon of patriotism as a national idea in Russia from the perspective of motivational aspects of its actualization. The necessity to address the problem of patriotism is caused, on the one hand, by the ambiguity of its interpretations, and, on the other, by the presence...
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