From the life of the Kalmyk clergy in the late 19th ‒ early 20th century

Komandzhaev Alexander N., Indzhieva Bayrta M., Shikhanov Namsyr A.



The relevance of considering this problem is explained by the need to clarify a number of already known facts, as well as to enrich the study of Kalmyk everyday life in the pre-revolutionary period with additional sources. The purpose of the study is to characterize the most important events for society in the life of the Kalmyk Buddhist clergy in the late imperial period. Sources and methods. The study was carried out on the basis of the use of office materials from the Fund "Management of the Kalmyk People", stored in the National Archives of Kalmykia, most of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The work is based on the application of a complex of general scientific and special-historical methods, first of all, the principles of historicism and objectivity. Results. The article provides a detailed description of two significant events that took place in the Kalmyk steppe of the Astrakhan province during the period under study: the election of the head of the Buddhist clergy in 1887 and the official approval of the statutes and curriculum in two Buddhist higher schools (Tzanit-Chore). The regulation and content of these events in the life of the Kalmyk clergy are evidence of the era: the bureaucratization of the process as a result of the streamlining of office work, the positive attention of the state to various faiths and the determining role of representatives of the clergy in the implementation of the described events in the light of some liberalization of social and confessional relations in Russia.


Contribution of the authors

Komandzhaev A. N. – scientific guidance, development of the research concept, substantiation of the goal, writing the text, final conclusions; Indzhieva B. M. – identification and collection of archival sources, participation in writing and finalizing the text; Shikhanov N. A. - identification and collection of archival sources, final conclusions.


the article was prepared as part of the implementation of the Russian Science Foundation grant, project No. 23-18-20019 "Between East and West: civilizational and cultural development of the Kalmyk society as part of pre-revolutionary Russia".


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Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 4 (77)


Article information




Komandzhaev A. N., Indzhieva B. I., Shikhanov N. A. From the life of the Kalmyk clergy in the late 19th ‒ early 20th century. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2023; no. 4 (77): pp. 60–71. 1818510Х_2023_4_60.


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