Issue 2023 No. 3 (76)

Power structure in the Lower and Middle Volga region during the rebellion of Stepan Razin

Zaets Dmitry V.
9-20   263

The rebellion of Stepan Razin destroyed the tsarist administration in the territories of the Volga region. The power of the rebellious Cossacks, peasants, and urban residents was established there for a short period of time. The main goal of this article is to study how this power was structured. Th...
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The Western Caspian in Russia’s foreign policy at the beginning of the XVIII century (to the tercentenary of the Persian campaign of Peter I)

Abdusalamov Magomed-Pasha B.
21-28   277

The article examines the place of the Western Caspian Sea in the foreign policy of Russia of the Peter the Great era on the basis of archival documents and special historical literature, pays attention to the intelligence activities of Russian envoys in Persia, their role in the study and collection...
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The system of values and ideals of the Russian political elite: from the pre-Petrine era to the end of the XIX century

Pak Oleg A., Anderson Kirill M.
29-38   251

The article deals with the formation and development of the system of values of the political elite in Russia. The relevance of studying this issue is explained by the fact that its disclosure will allow a better understanding of the mechanisms of interaction between the elite and civil society and ...
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Labor migration in the structure of the industrial and fishing economy of the Volga-Caspian fishing region in the late 19th – early 20th centuries: social and economic aspects

Vinogradov Sergey V., Kulakova Nataliya I.
39-53   287

The article studies the social effects of the implementation of state migration policy using the example of such population groups as industrial workers, small entrepreneurs and catchers, who mainly became those who arrived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. migrants. The sources underlying ...
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The role of Diocesan Congresses of Teachers of Law of Secular Secondary Educational Insti-tutions in Solving the Problems of Religious Education in Russia at the Beginning of the XX Century (Based on the Materials of the Lower Volga Region).

Dorofeeva Anastasia A.
54-62   295

The relevance of the stated topic is due to the increased interest of modern researchers in the study of the history of Russian education in the late XIX – early XX centuries, including the problems of religious education in the system of women's secondary educational institutions. In this article, ...
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Combat operations of the 11th Army of the Red Army on the right bank of the Volga river (Chernoyarsk direction) in September – October 1919

Gnido Sergey V.
63-74   270

The relevance of the article lies in the fact that it explores one of the little-studied episodes of the Civil War in the Lower Volga region. The purpose of the study was, within the framework of the battle of the red and white troops for Tsaritsyn in the autumn of 1919, to consider the hostilities ...
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Problems of organizing the transportation of petroleum products in the Northern Caspian by the Reidtanker shipping company in the late 1930s - early 1940s.

Timofeeva Elena G., Belyavtsev Sergey V.
75-81   286

In the modern world, the development of the economy cannot be imagined without the use of refined products, therefore, the study of logistics schemes for the transportation of hydrocarbons, including in a historical context, is relevant. In this regard, the experience of organizing the transporta-ti...
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Transport infrastructure of the cities of the Middle Volga region during the Great Patriotic War

Shmatov Evgeny N.
82-88   230

The article is devoted to an insufficiently researched problem – the work of the transport infrastructure of rear cities during the Great Patriotic War. The Middle Volga cities played a significant role in ensuring victory, being the rear base of the Red Army. This explains the relevance of this stu...
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The Industry of Stalingrad – to the Front (1941–1943)

Bolotova Elena Y., Lozin Dmitry I.
89-98   299

In modern conditions, it seems relevant to study the historical experience of industrial production restructuring based on the requirements of wartime. The purpose of the research is to characterize the main activities of the key industrial enterprises of Stalingrad at the initial stage of the Great...
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The material and living situation of children and adolescents under Nazi occupation: based on the materials of the North-West of the RSFSR (1941–1944)

Krasnozhenova Elena E.
99-108   343

A significant territory of the USSR during the war period was occupied by Nazi troops. For a long time (from 1941 to 1944), the occupation regime existed in the North-West of the RSFSR. Not only adults, but also children became victims of the occupation policy. This determined the relevance of the s...
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State policy in the field of technical re-equipment of the oil and gas industries in the 1950s

Bodrova Elena V., Kalinov Vyacheslav V.
109-120   272

The relevance of the study is determined by the increasingly heated discussions regarding the effectiveness of the state scientific and technological policy in the Soviet period of national history. On the basis of currently declassified archival materials, an attempt was made to analyze the results...
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Regional Demographic Development of Harbin City (1949–1990)

Makeeva Svetlana B.
121-128   210

Socio-political and economic transformations in the history of China in the period from 1949 to 1990 had a significant impact on the development of large Chinese cities with a non-agricultural population of more than 2 million people. The population growth rate in the capital of the northeastern pro...
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V. E. Shpichinets – a pioneer of regional musical television broadcasting (on the materials of the personal fund of the СSASR)

Tuzova Olga V.
129-137   175

In the article, for the first time in historiography, on the basis of the personal fund of the head of the music broadcasting editorial office of the Kuibyshev television studio, a personal pensioner of local importance, Valentin Efimovich Shpichinets, which is stored in the Central State Archive of...
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Citizen In The Digital State: Innovation VS Political Myth

Budko Diana A.
138-145   301

The transformations that are currently taking place in terms of citizens' understanding of the digital state, as well as the changes that digital reality brings to everyday practices, determine the relevance of this research. Topics of current interest become the study of possible threats and risks ...
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N. M. Yadrintsev on the main goal of the penitentiary policy of the domestic state: the experience of historical and political research

Golovinov Alexander V.
146-151   225

The purpose of this publication is an attempt to reconstruct the socio-political thought of the representative of regionalism N. M. Yadrintsev in the field of formulation and achievement of the basic goal of the state penitentiary (criminal-correctional) policy. The study is mainly based on the tool...
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Culture of patriotism: cognitive, emotionalmotivational, behavioral, institutional aspects

Starostin Alexander M., Ponedelkov Alexander V., Tovancheva Elena N.
152-159   226

The article analyzes the phenomenon of patriotism, which is presented as a kind of subculture, and not only as an ideological identity or mindset. The main structural components of the patriotic subculture are highlighted. The variety of manifestations of patriotism in a complex society (composition...
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Interaction between the state and the citizen as a collision of the whole and the part (on the question of the essence of political wholeness).

Belous Vladimir G.
160-169   273

Each historical epoch, each new format of human communication (κοινωνία), which, according to Aristotle, is the essence of human community (polity), encourages everyone interested in this issue to turn to the fundamental grounds of knowledge about politics; again and again to think over their (groun...
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The concept of civic identity in modern socio-political realities

Bugaychuk Tatyana V., Koryakovtseva Olga A.
170-177   351

The authors of the article adopt an integrative approach to understanding civic identity of an individual, a mental formation deemed vitally important at the current stage of society development. Civic identity is viewed through the prism of a number of social sciences, political science in the firs...
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The main vectors of transformation of modern political processes in the sphere of national security of Russia

Batchaev Kurman R., Tulegenov Adil Sh.
178-188   277

The article is based on an in-depth study of the contemporary foreign policy activities of the Russian Federation to ensure the national security of its citizens. Threats often arise from globalization and the West's desire to gain economic, military and political advantages in the international are...
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China's strategy toward Central Asia at the present stage

Goncharenko Anna R., Manoilo Andrei V.
189-200   475

The research is devoted to the study of China’s strategy of interaction with the Central Asian states. Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan continue to attract great powers with their abundant natural resources, advantageous geographical location, and geographical proximit...
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Views of the military-political leadership of the United States and NATO on the development of modern world political processes

Ovsyannikova Olga A.
201-210   296

The article analyzes the views of the military-political leadership of the United States and NATO on the development of modern world political processes for the period up to 2030. The purpose of this study is to review the main provisions of strategic planning documents by the world's leading actors...
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Terrorist threats as a factor in the foreign policy of the "collective West"

Bachurin Sergey V.
211-217   202

After September 11, 2001, the terrorist threat in the United States was called the leading threat to peace and order, and a real irreconcilable war was declared against terrorism itself. However, as it turned out, the policy of double standards has led to the fact that the topic of combating interna...
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Geopolitical Potential of National Identity in ensuring the societal security of Russia

Topchiev Mikhail S.
218-224   393

The article reveals the complex problem of the geopolitical potential of national identity in ensuring the societal security of modern Russia. The author uses an interdisciplinary research methodology (social philosophy, political philosophy, philosophy of history), and also substantiates the method...
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Language as one of the means of implementing power strategies in the culture of political projects

Isachenko Nadezhda N.
225-233   342

Language as a unique cultural phenomenon, as a socio-cultural medium of human interaction, at the present stage of civilizational development in conditions of large-scale introduction of information and communication technologies into all spheres of life, has acquired the status of the main instrume...
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All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Historical Demography and Historical Geography: Issues of Fundamental and Current Research"

Makeeva S.B.
234-235   285