State policy in the field of technical re-equipment of the oil and gas industries in the 1950s

Bodrova Elena V., Kalinov Vyacheslav V.



The relevance of the study is determined by the increasingly heated discussions regarding the effectiveness of the state scientific and technological policy in the Soviet period of national history. On the basis of currently declassified archival materials, an attempt was made to analyze the results of the technical re-equipment of the oil and gas industries in the USSR in the 1950s, to determine the legitimacy of management decisions, and to more accurately represent the scope of research work. The conclusion is drawn that the 1950s can be defined as a separate and completely independent stage in the history of the country's oil and gas complex, as it was distinguished by a change in priorities, including the introduction of the latest achievements in the extraction and processing of raw materials, and the intensification of scientific research. At the same time, there was still a significant lag (by 3–4 times) in the technical level of both the oil refining and oil-extracting industries in the USSR from the USA. However, the State Planning Commission, for example, in 1957, did not suppose overcoming this lag in the field of automating the oil industry. Despite the miscalculations made, a genuine scientific and technological revolution was unfolding in the industry. A powerful oil and gas complex was created, which was provided with highly qualified personnel, became a system-forming element of the national economy, largely influencing the rate of economic growth and the standard of living of the population.


Contribution of the authors

Bodrova E. V. – generalization, analysis of the collected materials, writing the original text, formulating conclusions; Kalinov V. V. – collection and analysis of archival documents, revision of the text, formulation of conclusions.


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  6. Read more
Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 3 (76)


Article information




Bodrova E. V., Kalinov V. V. State policy in the field of technical re-equipment of the oil and gas industries in the 1950s. Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, Culture]. 2023, no. 3 (76), pp. 109–120.Х_2023_3_109.


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