The role of Diocesan Congresses of Teachers of Law of Secular Secondary Educational Insti-tutions in Solving the Problems of Religious Education in Russia at the Beginning of the XX Century (Based on the Materials of the Lower Volga Region).

Dorofeeva Anastasia A.



The relevance of the stated topic is due to the increased interest of modern researchers in the study of the history of Russian education in the late XIX – early XX centuries, including the problems of religious education in the system of women's secondary educational institutions. In this article, the author addresses the issue of participation of local clergy in the activities of the All-Russian and diocesan congresses of teachers of law of secular secondary educational institutions, created to solve organizational problems of the implementation of religious education, in particular in the system of women's education. The study is aimed at identifying the positions and opinions of the clergy of the Lower Volga region in relation to measures to reform the content of religious education and upbringing. The article is written on the basis of journalistic materials and office documentation. With the help of special historical methods (historical-genetic, historical-comparative), the author highlights the main problematic issues of the implementation of religious education.



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  2. Gornostaev, N. Kak my izuchali Bibliyu [How We Studied the Bible]. Dukhovnoe obrazovanie [Spiritual education]. Moscow; 1906, pp. 212–228.
  3. Kupletskiy, M. Tserkovno-religioznaya zhizn v Rossii [Church and religious life in Russia]. Tserkovnye vedomosti [Ecclesiastical Gazette]. 1899, no. 37, pp. 1481–1485.
  4. Lyubimov, S. Vospitanie v dukhovnoy shkole [Education in a theological school]. Duhovnoe obrazovanie [Spiritual education]. Moscow; 1906, pp. 65–136.
  5. Malyarevskiy, G. Ya. K reforme dukhovno-uchebnykh zavedeniy [Towards the reform of theological and educational institutions]. St. Petersburg: Sinodalnaya tipografiya; 1906, 36 p.
  6. Read more
Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2023 No. 3 (76)


Article information




Dorofeeva A. A. The role of Diocesan Congresses of Teachers of Law of Secular Secondary Educational Insti-tutions in Solving the Problems of Religious Education in Russia at the Beginning of the XX Century (Based on the Materials of the Lower Volga Region). Kaspiyskiy region: politika, ekonomika, kultura [The Caspian Region: Politics, Economics, and Culture]. 2023, no. 3 (76), pp. 54–62.Х_2023_3_54.


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