Issue 2003 No. 3


The change of world orders and international safety system in the 21 century

Moshchelko E.N.
9-12   519

The author tryes to show that in spite of the establishment of "New world order", the realization of the doctrine of world supremacy by one super-power (USA) is impossible. The world continues to remain multipolar, the new centers of force appear. Russia continues to be the power, which oc...
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Integrative ideology as the factor of the consolidation of Russian society

Kovalenko V.l.
12-17   550

The author assumes that for modern Russia the finding of the general national integrating idea is urgenv need. As the "idea- framework" it is proposed to examine the concept of national interests and priorities of Russia. Is examined the possibility of using the best of the classical ideol...
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Caspian Sea: "The Lake of Hope" or the Lake of Problems. Methodological notes on the theme of the cooperation of Caspian States

Baranets S.N.
18-25   1615

In the article the author tries to show that fundamental and primary civilisational value of Caspian Sea is connected with a usage of some local resources. The cognitive interest to the Caspian Sea was and will be oriented first of all to the getting of benefits. This attitude to the Sea is difficul...
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Geopolitical characteristics of the Caspian region: some theoretic o~informative approaches

Adrov V.M.
25-30   537

According to the opinion of the author the Caspian region can be looked at as a model for the study of Geopolitics because here we can find all geopolk cal phenomena and regularities. Due to the development of Informative Age some advantages appear for the formation of the coastal zone In the connec...
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Caspian region: problems and prospects for the international collaboration

Grzheyshchak S.E.
31-36   1673

There is the urgent region of the modern world association that is the Caspian Sea Region in the center of attention of this article. The possibility of joining the Caspian Sea Region to the European economic space with the help of newly emerging system of gas- and oil pipelines is being discussed. ...
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The outer factors in relations of Iran with Central Asian Postsoviet republics

Sanai M.
36-43   513

The article analyzes new conditions in relations between Iran and Central Asian republics that took their origin after the decay of the former USSR. The special attention is paid to the Iran/Russian relations whose history counts more than 400 years. The author underlines that Iran and Russia have c...
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Iranian-speaking peoples (its Eastern and Western branches) of Astrakhan ethnic strata in Caspian Area s connecting traditions

Victorin V.M.
44-48   1424

Having begotten the Alans-Ossets in the Nothern Caucases ancient nomadic peoples of the Caspian Area, who spoke the Eastern Iranian languages and their dialects (the Skythes, Savromats, Sarmats), were in A.D. replaced by ethnic groups of the Western Iranian branch (the Persians, Guilyans, Mazandaran...
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The united calculation of budget

Kalush V.G.
49-52   551

In the article it is discussed the formation of the system, which creates conditions for optimal control of the financial state resources. Concept value of the functioning of united treasurer calculation is revealed....
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Economic after-effects of institutional limitations (on the example of a provincial region)

Gvozdareva L.P.
52-56   558

This article is about an influence of cultural tradition on the economic welfare. The numerous examples show the influence of the traditional principles of Soviet interaction on the level of living. Nowadays it is showing up especially evidently in provincial regions, where renewal of cultural tradi...
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Economical mechanism of stimulation of realization of productive potentials in the profit increasing of Kazakh Republic's companies

Jumanov K.Z., Taubaev B.Z.
57-60   530

The modern market-industrial system is analyzed by authors as a complex system. It can be looked upon by three estimated criteria: efficiency of production, efficiency of labour and efficiency of management. Their essence answers to common principles of efficiency that is based on a commensurability...
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Pasturable potential of the ecosystem of the Naryn sands

Taubaev B.Z.
60-64   1601

The article describes the areal о aroid pastures of the Naryn sands It gives main characteristics of their flora. Pastoral maps of these sands in the zone of Atyrau region are built. Some conclusions according to the analyses of the map were made....
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The idea of tolerance in the Caspian peoples' interrelations in the books "The Front" and "Afghanistan" by L. Reisner

Yegorova O.G.
65-69   1536

The mosaic structures of works by L. Reisner, the writer, directly connected with the Caspian region, taking part personally in changing the status and the life-style of this important for many countries territory are analysed in this article. The cycles "The Front" and "Afghanistan&q...
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The Perfect man in the Kalmyk historical songs

Sharmandzhiyev D.A.
69-71   562

The article gives the analysis of some historical songs of the Kalmyk, where their ideas about the perfect man are expressed....
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The economic bases for the evaluation of the quality of education

Skobleva E.I.
71-79   1611

Work examines basic approaches to the evaluation of the quality of education. On the basis of the comparison of different experience and different prerequisites for evaluating the quality of formation it is possible to speak about the degree of its expediency from the position of the economic theory...
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Quantitative analysis of a market of the educational services of the Astrakhan region in a higher education sphere

Stephanova G.P., Gudyrin S.N., Ashimov F.M., Gudyrina A.N.
79-91   1569

The article analyses the market of educational services in the Astrakhan region in the sphere of higher education on the base of the application of a pre cedure of the quantitative estimation of the regional market of educational services....
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Features of formation of ethnic tolerant installations (instructions) at youth of multicultural region

Palatkina G.V.
91-97   1652

In a modern multicultural society there is a essential problem of a positive interrelation between different ethnic groups. One of the aspects of such interrelation is ethnic tolerance. In the article the author tries to analyze an attitude of youth in Astrakhan region to their culture and to cultur...
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Private capital in the Low Volga region's industry in the period of the New Fxonomic Policy

Vinogradov S.V.
98-108   1662

Basing on the data of Astrakhan, Saratov and Samara Gubernias (provinces) the author analyses the process of becoming of the private capital structure in the industry in the period of the New Economic Policy. The author came to the conclusion that in spite of small funds and different limitations th...
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Deliveries on the lend-lease into the Soviet Union through the territory of Iran (1941-1945)

Shinkarenko G.V.
108-112   563

The author on the basis of the analysis of sources and memoir literature investigates the history of deliveries on the lend-lease through the territory of Iran. According to his opinion, the propagation by the United States of law about the lend-lease in Iran, became the decisive factor, which made ...
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The Rules of Game in Eurasia

113-122   1621