Issue 2005 No. 1 (6)


Conflict potential of the Caspian region is a threat to safety of Russia

Novosyolov S. V.
8-18   235

The article considers real and potential conflicts in the Caspian region, which totally define a conflict situation in the region. Modern Caspian challenges don't assist in constructive solving of the regional problems. Different models of future conflicts are seen in this region. For Russia the Cas...
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Power resources is a basis of rivalry and cooperation in the Central Asia, in the Caspian region and Caucasus

Sanai Mekhdi
18-25   252

In the article it is shown, that activity of all global players in region of the Central Asia, the Caspian Sea and Caucasus now and in the fixture is connected both to rivalry, and with interaction concerning power resources. It also affirms that in the future Europe becomes the largest region inter...
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Legal policy as means of realization of a function of an interstate integration

Kireeva S.A.
26-35   259

The article is devoted to an analysis of a legal policy as means of realization of a function of an interstate integration. Specific characteristics of such terms as «legal policy», «legal space», «legal integration» are offered. The basic aspects making specificity of a legal policy in the intersta...
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Legal status of the Caspian Sea: problems of economic and political development

Roman V.S.
35-39   258

The reasons (geographical, geological, economic, strategic), explaining the big attention to problems of the Caspian Sea are defined in the article. The essence of a legal regime of the reservoirs similar to the Caspian Sea is considered. The necessity of forming of a new status of the Caspian Sea i...
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The right on a favorable environment in the CIS

Panasenco D.N.
39-43   255

In the article problems of modern legal ecology in the countries which are included in the CIS are lifted. The special attention is given to realization of a right to health protection which is reflected in constitutions of many countries - members of the CIS, except for Georgia and Uzbekistan....
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Sufi cognitive culture as the strategy of social behaviour

Bilalov M.L.
44-48   240

This article deals with a problem of essence and contents of the cognitive culture and an influence of the religious consciousness on it on an example of the Sufi outlook. Also in this article the problem of the determinacy of social actions and acts of people of Sufi cognitive culture is analyzed....
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The Role of Islam in the formation of cultural integrity in the South of Russia

Mitrakhovich V.A.
49-59   233

In this article it is considered the question about the comprehension system of the Islam's integrative role in the social-cultural space in the South of Russia. The Islam's essence is specified from the position of an approaching method and is compared with the others ideological sources, which det...
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About fundamentally of an idea of attitude in the humanities

Treshchev A.M., Treshcheva O.A., Mityachkin D.K.
59-74   239

The article discusses in details an idea of attitude in the humanities. The significant volume of the philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature is analyzed. The special attention is given to the analysis of the motivate-valuable attitude of a person to activity. The conce...
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The analysis of a historiography of development of an oil industry in Kazakhstan

Mukhitov K.S.
75-80   259

The researchers have done a large work, but a problem of development of oil industry requires more detailed and wide study, especially at the present stage. Existing researches are quite extensive, but works of the Soviet, Russian, Kazakhstan historians don't analyze the role of Kazakhstan oil resou...
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Management offish industry of the Low Volga region in 1920-1930

Kalgin V.E.
80-84   243

The article analyzes the organization of management offish industry in the Low Volga region during the period since 1920 till 1930. The author shows, during these years the leading part in fishing and processing offish belonged to state sector. The large reorganizations which were carried out {are s...
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General Theory of Globalization. The review of the A.N. Chumakov' book «Globalization. Contours of the complete world»

85-94   303