Wang Xu

Wang Xu

Scientific interests:

History, journalism, sociology, study of individual countries and regions

The most relevant publications

Publications in publications included in international databases:

  1. Wang X. The evolution of Chinese-Soviet cooperation in the field of culture during the Second World War // Voprosy istorii, Moscow, 2022, No. 4. pp. 17-31.
  2. Wang X. On the question of the directions of Chinese-Soviet cooperation in the spheres of literature and art in the 1950s // Voprosy istorii, Moscow, 2022, No. 6. pp. 231-247.
  3. Wang X. Sino-Soviet cooperation through the prism of regional features (1920s-1950s) // Voprosy istorii, Moscow, 2022, No. 9. pp. 91-108.
  4. Wang X. The Soviet experience in the context of the evolution of the Chinese media in the 1920s and 1950s: the main stages, nature and features of influence // Voprosy istorii, Moscow, 2021, No. 4. pp. 159-176.
  5. Wang X.  Study of the history of foreign press after the transition to reform and opening-up in China (1978-2021) // Voprosy istorii, Moscow, 2021, No. 5. pp. 109-123.
  6. Wang X., Cheng Н. On the issue of Chinese contract workers in the USSR in 1955-1964. (Based on materials from Hebei and Shandong provinces) // Voprosy istorii. Moscow, 2020. No. 4. pp. 77-93.


  1. Wang X. The image of China in the Russian print media: nominative content analysis, Moscow, Publishing house “HELRI”, 2020. 220 p.

Publications in publications included in the List of peer-reviewed publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission:

  1. Wang X., Petrov A.V. Media about public health in modern Chinese cities (on the example of the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, China) // Society. Environment. Development. 2021. №1. pp. 103-107.
  2. Wang X., Petrov A.V. Public health and social solidarity in Russia and China during the COVID-19 pandemic, with co-author Petrov A.V. // Society. Environment. Development. 2021. №4. pp.18-24.
  3. Wang X. Features of the political culture of China // Society. Environment. Development. 2016. No. 3. pp. 57-62.
  4. Wang X. Changing views on the political functioning of the media in China // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. 2015. Ser.12. issue 1. pp.155-160.
  5. Wang X. People and culture of China in the Russian press // Scientific notes of the Transbaikal State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky. Series "Philology, history, oriental studies". 2012. No. 2. pp. 222-227.
  6. Wang X. China in the system of nominations of Russian information texts // "The World of the Russian Word" - The World of the Russian Word. 2011. No. 4. pp. 48-52.

Publications in other scientific publications:

  1. Analysis of the Cooperation between Urban Media of China and Russia in the Context of the Global Digital Sphere in "Modern Cities and Social Management in Russia and China: A Collection of Articles", edited by A.V. Petrov. St. Petersburg: Asterion, 2023, pp. 24-34.
  2. Wang X. Chinese-Russian Media Cooperation Amidst the Epidemic: A Case Study of CGTN and RT in "Current Issues in Humanities: Past and Present. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (Russia, Moscow, May 12, 2023)", edited by I.V. Turitsyn. Moscow: SRI HEL, 2023, pp. 105-111.
  3. Wang X. Communication Strategies of the Media in the Context of Global Conflict in «Global Conflicts and World Wars: History and Present. Proceedings of the International Scientific Symposium (Russia, Moscow, October 22, 2022)», edited by Prof. I.V. Turitsyn. Moscow: SRI HEL, 2022, pp. 85-91.
  4. Wang X. Research on the effectiveness of Chinese new media communications in the digital environment // Global social processes 3.0: social management and economic development in a digital society: Collection of articles / Ed. A. V. Petrova (responsible ed.), K. Yu. Besedina and others. St. Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. pp. 240-249.
  5. Wang X. On the history of the evolution of the Chinese national image in Russia // Historical knowledge and teaching of history in the context of the evolution of national identity. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference / Ed. ed. Alieva S.I. M.: SRI HEL, 2021.pp.85-89.
  6. Wang X., Xu M. Analysis of the features of the anti-corruption propaganda function of China's main media // Ed. A. V. Petrova, O. P. Gorkova, Yin Shasha, Yang Yunke. St. Petersburg. : Asterion, 2020. pp. 28-34.
  7. Wang X., Zhen Y. Analysis of the state and prospects for the development of Chinese-Russian cooperation in the field of media // Russia and China at the turn of the third decade of the XXI century: economics, social management, culture. St. Petersburg, Asterion. 2020. pp.151-162.
  8. Wang X., Ding Y. Russian-Chinese friendship through the prism of publications in the print media about the Second World War // Relations between Russia and China: past, present, future. Proceedings of the international scientific conference (Moscow, July 4, 2019) / Ed. ed. Turitsyn I.V., Dai Jianbing, Razov P.V. Moscow: SRI HEL, 2019. pp. 141-158.