Технико-технологизированный мир: концептуально-методологический анализ

Соломко Дмитрий Витальевич



The world of human is increasingly defined as a technical and technological world, the impact of which is ambiguous. Shooting on the technique of solving many tasks in order to achieve a comfortable and safe existence, a human may be in passive position, generating the risk of loss of its subjectivity and freedom. From here, the goal is to implement the philosophical interpretation of modern technical and technological conditions of the human being-in-world and offer a new approach (eco-humanistic) in solving the main problematic issues of the relationship "Human - Technical and Technological World". The study relies on the development of domestic and foreign philosophers of science and technology. Methods of dialectic, systemic and synergistic approaches are used. Project (projective) method implemented in the design and development of a new philosophical and scientific approach is an eco-humanistic. As a result, the eco-humanistic approach is defined as a specific methodological installation of human thinking and practical activity, focused on the search for methods and means of achieving optimality and consistency in the relations of various parties (for example, technical and anthropological) in the life of a human to ensure the possibility of their fruitful coexistence, to preserve and reproduction The living began in a human (as a unique integrity) and its world (as the integrity of universal), in their interconnected and interdependent unity. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the theoretical development of an eco-humanistic approach will allow a more multiety study and analyze the phenomena of modern culture, to obtain a more accurate interpretation of the methods of human existence and eco-cultural practices that ensure the effect of the state of the "ecosystem" in situations of any intensive sociocultural transformations.

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Выпуск 2022 No. 3 (72)


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Для цитирования 

Соломко Д. В. Технико-технологизированный мир: концептуально-методологический анализ // Каспийский регион: политика, экономика, культура. 2022. № 3 (72). С. 140–146. https://doi.org/10.54398/1818510Х_2022_3_140.


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