Образ российского и немецкого идеального политического лидера

Григорьев А.В., Лебедева И.В.


The problem of constructing the image of an ideal political leader and its introduction into mass consciousness is gaining weight in the political sphere of the modern society of Russia and other countries with a democratic political regime. Political leaders face the challenge of maintaining their competitiveness in ever-changing political conditions. In this connection it is very important to know how the politician is perceived by the public consciousness. This article is devoted to comparing the image of an ideal political leader in Russia and Germany. A study of the image of the ideal Russian political leader was conducted on the basis of a sociological survey among students of the Astrakhan State University. To study the image of an ideal political leader, a content analysis of German mass media, such as “Stern”, “Spiegel”, “die Zeit”, was carried out. As a result, it can be concluded that the examined views have common ground: in both Russian and German discourse, the ideal political leader should be an honest, responsible and professional politician. Participants in the Russian study noted the desirability of possessing “soft” qualities, as well as the need to focus their attention on solving domestic political problems. In addition to the above-mentioned qualities, German voters value openness and loyalty to state interests in political leaders.

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Выпуск 2017 No. 2 (51)




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