The role and place of Russians in the modernization development of the North Caucasus in the Soviet period

Erokhin Aleksey M., Avdeev Evgenij A., Vorobev Sergej M.



The article considers the historical experience of the modernization development of the Soviet North Caucasus. The problematics of the article has not only historical, but also modern sounding, due to the complex dynamics of ethno-migration, socio-cultural and modernization processes, a significant conflict potential of historical memory in the North Caucasus. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of Russians in the formation of Soviet modern institutions in the multi-ethnic frontier region. Soviet modernization was a transition from a traditional society to a modern one. In terms of goals, means and results, it was reduced to industrial and material progress, the hallmark of Soviet modernization was the predominance of more traditional collectivist principles. In the course of modernization in the North Caucasus, advanced industrial production and the corresponding political and sociocultural mechanisms were formed, which made it possible to support and develop these processes. The Soviet project was based on rapid industrialization, rapid socio-cultural transformations, urbanization, support and promotion of social progress. The first decades of Soviet power became a turning point for the North Caucasus. It was during this period that modern industry and social infrastructure were created in the region, the urban population sharply increased, and a significant layer of the national intelligentsia was formed. At the same time, many of the main trends and processes that influenced the development of the region in the post-Soviet period were laid. The Russians of the North Caucasus became the main conductor of the Soviet modernity institutions. They acted as the bearer of the basic institutions of Russian culture, became the core of the scientific and technical intelligentsia, healthcare and education in the region. Modernization was facilitated by the migration of the Russian population to the region, which continued in the 1920s and 1950s 20th century. In the 70s-80s, the decline in the number of Russians in the North Caucasus and their outflow from national autonomies begins. This was due to the beginning of the downward dynamics of demographic processes, the slowdown and subsequent stagnation of socio-economic development. The ethnic composition of large cities is also changing significantly, the migration of North Caucasian peoples to cities is intensifying, which has led to significant socio-cultural transformations. In general, the outflow of the Russian population that began during this period had long-term negative consequences for the economy, social sphere, and sociocultural development of the region.
