Sergey Sergeevich Golushkevich and his project «The Road of Life»

Prischepa Aleksandr S.



Currently, one of the main problems of the defense and blockade of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War is the study of the problem of functioning of the artery most important for the residents of the besieged city - «Military Highway No. 101», or «Road of Life». The relevance of this study has led to research interest both in the emergence of the above-mentioned project and in the personality of S. S. Golushkevich as the main theorist of the ice crossing. The purpose of the publication was to analyze the role of the country's leading scientists in the creation of the Road of Life and the personal contribution of the chief designer Sergey Sergeevich Golushkevich to its development. In the article, the author, using archival documents, memoirs and bibliographic materials, showed the contribution of the Soviet military engineer, Doctor of Technical Sciences Golushkevich to the creation of an ice track. The materials of the regional archives made it possible to analyze the content of the project «Roads of Life». In his work with sources and literature, the author primarily relied on autobiographical, historical-genetic and comparative methods, the method of historicism and system-functional analysis and synthesis, which made it possible to perform a historiographical analysis of the research problem. The author comes to the conclusion that academic and industrial cooperation, formed back in peacetime, contributed to the emergence of an ice route connecting Leningrad with the rest of the country. The "Road of Life" was not only a unique project, but also became an important event for the residents of the besieged city in general, through the transport highway Leningraders received provisions, medicines and raw materials to support life in Leningrad.
