Issue 2022 No. 3 (72)

Sect of Judaizers in Astrakhan province of the XIX century: Mikhailovsky "revolt"

Kanatieva Nataliia S.
9-13   1435

The article describes the religious incident, which consisted in open disobedience and refusal of the icons, the group of sectarian-judaizers living in the village of Mikhailovka Astrakhan province in the middle of the XIX century. The term "revolt", rendered in the title, is enclosed in quotes, bec...
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Monopolization of goods and passenger shipping in the Caspian Sea at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries

Kornoukhova Gadilya G.
14-19   516

The modern Russian economy has a high level of monopolization due to significant share of state ownership. This problem gives rise to numerous disputes among modern economists and experts. So, monopolization of the Russian Empire’s economy is relevant now. Based on the analysis of archival documents...
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Protection of cultural heritage in the post-reform Russian Empire: to the question of the restoration theory and methodology of the Moscow archaeological society in the context of comparative characteristics of the problem

Karapetyan Lev A.
20-26   516

The relevance of the problem under study lies in the fact that the cultural heritage has been and remains the determining factor for the preservation of national and cultural identity as the basis of national security. Scientific societies played a significant role in the protection of cultural heri...
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Activities of the School of Folk Art in 1912-1917

Kucheruk Irina V.
27-30   548

In modern conditions, the search for effective ways to implement the continuity of various levels and stages of national education, as well as the creation of optimal models of programs focused on the formation of students' civic identity, the experience of the pre-revolutionary school for the devel...
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Desacralization of orthodox monasteries in atheistic propaganda as a direction of activity of Soviet gothless in the 20 years XX century (by the example of N. A. Semenov’s book "Atho mountain holy")

Dorosh Andrey A.
31-37   704

The article is devoted to the anti-religious activities of Soviet atheists in the 1920s. 20th century. The problem of the use of the negative image of Orthodox monasteries in anti-religious propaganda, the desacralization of which was an important part of the anti-religious propaganda of the period ...
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Archival documents on crimes against childhood in the North-West of Russia (1941-1945)

Krasnozhenova Elena E.
38-43   1788

The relevance of the study of various aspects of the Nazi occupation regime that existed in the North-West of Russia is due to the specifics of the region during the war period, which consists in the duration of its occupation by Nazi armies, the formation of a very stable system of occupation admin...
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Sergey Sergeevich Golushkevich and his project «The Road of Life»

Prischepa Aleksandr S.
44-47   489

Currently, one of the main problems of the defense and blockade of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War is the study of the problem of functioning of the artery most important for the residents of the besieged city - «Military Highway No. 101», or «Road of Life». The relevance of this study has ...
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Children and occupation: the potential of a personal diary as a historical source (using the example of Lucy Hordikainen's diary)

Khazov Vladimir K.
48-53   1178

The article is devoted to the study of the problem of reconstructing the lifestyle of children and adolescents in the occupied territories of the Leningrad region in 1941-1944. The purpose of the article is to determine the limits of the effectiveness of using diary entries when studying the specifi...
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Problems of transformations of the penitentiary policy of the state in social and political thought N. M. Yadrintsev in the second half of of the 19 century

Golovinov Alexander V.
54-57   1681

The publication is devoted to the reconstruction of the political ideas of the founder of the Siberian regionalism (regionalism) in the field of prison science. As a goal, the author sees an attempt at a historical and political analysis of the views of N. M. Yadrintsev on state programs for prison ...
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A. I. Koshelev on the reorganization of the state and political life of Russia in the XIX century

Laguzova Maria A.
58-62   739

Slavophilism, as a self-sufficient phenomenon of domestic social thought of the 19th century, united bright, extraordinary personalities who did not want to create a single political program or a single ideology. Based on common key postulates, they consistently defended the idea of national identit...
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Personalistic foundations of B. N. Chicherin's philosophy of law

Pronchev Konstantin G.
63-68   682

The definition of the philosophical foundations of a specific political and legal concept is the starting point of its analysis and criticism. This article is devoted to the identification of the basic philosophical premises of the political teaching of Boris Nikolaevich Chicherin. There is still a ...
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Aesthetics in socio-political works of Konstantin Leontiev

Stolyarova Izabella F.
69-73   1045

The article discusses the aesthetic concepts of Konstantin Leontiev (1831-1891), I. Kant and F. Nietzsche. The author explores the interrelation and differences of the ideas of Kant, Nietzsche and Leontiev on aesthetics, and also substantiates the similarity of the aesthetic concepts of Leontiev and...
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The role and place of Russians in the modernization development of the North Caucasus in the Soviet period

Erokhin Aleksey M., Avdeev Evgenij A., Vorobev Sergej M.
74-82   811

The article considers the historical experience of the modernization development of the Soviet North Caucasus. The problematics of the article has not only historical, but also modern sounding, due to the complex dynamics of ethno-migration, socio-cultural and modernization processes, a significant ...
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Carnival Political Culture of Modern Elites: Chronicles of the Newest Political Circus (the problem of cognitive security)

Karabushenko Paul L.
83-90   477

Modern political elites have entered the time of their systemic crisis associated with the inability to adequately adapt to the change of historical eras - they are stuck between late industrialism and early post-industrialism. They are currently experiencing a real mental breakdown associated with ...
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Activity of political parties in social networks: regional aspect

Morozova Oksana S.
91-96   825

Political parties, since their inception as a political institution, have played a crucial role in politics. As noted in both Russian and foreign scientific literature, social networks are becoming more and more important in the modern world. They also come to the fore in the field of politics. Rese...
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Left-wing political agenda as a tool of manipulation and propaganda in modern public policy

Chulkov Dmitrii I.
97-102   444

The study is aimed at determining the instrumental potential of the left political agenda as a technology of manipulation and communication influence in modern public politics. The author comes to the conclusion that leftist movements in Western Europe and North America often have political interest...
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Problems and prospects for the formation of modern priorities of People's Republic of China in the international arena on the example of the Asia-Pacific region

Usmanov Rafik Kh., Airapetyan Arman V.
103-108   600

The past 40 years have seen rapid development of the Chinese economy, which in turn has contributed to China's emergence as one of the most powerful states in the modern world. In this connection in the article authors give general characteristics of political and economic situation in the Asia-Paci...
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Relations of China and Iran in the Energy Sphere

Lyubimova Victoria A.
109-112   856

China and Iran have had trade, military and cultural ties for more than two thousand years. The legendary Silk Road, joint defensive activities, economic cooperation, exchange of goods and services, all this connected China and Iran long before the beginning of the history of many other Asian states...
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Political and Legal Aspects of Modern Cooperation in the Caspian Region

Guliev Orhan E.
113-119   472

After the end of the existence of the Soviet Union, the legal framework developed by Persia and the USSR lost its relevance. However, the legal agreements reached have established a legal basis for the orientation of negotiation mechanisms in a five-sided format. After having analyzed the agreements...
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The concept of the state in the political theory of Max Weber: a socio-philosophical analysis

Golubev Ivan S.
120-124   1265

The article deals with the concept of the modern state in the political theory of M. Weber. The appeal to his intellectual heritage is dictated by the actual challenges of our time, especially, by the global trend towards changing the place and role of the state in the socio-political organization o...
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A value and a cognitive pluralism

Yanushevskaya Yelena V.
125-130   420

The design of thinking in categories of value is a notable milestone in the history of philosophy. The methodological significance of value remains, however, not fully disclosed. One of the topical issues is, in particular, the question of the correlation of value theories and the pluralization of c...
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Special features of information policy of the Russian Orthodox Church

Ermakova Maria V.
131-134   782

The article is devoted to the problem of the development of information policy of Russian Orthodox Church in modern media. The main goal of the article is to define the factors that challenge ROC in the media sphere and identify some solutions to these challenges. The process of creation of the info...
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Regional collective identity: categorical and structural analysis

Topchiev Mikhail S.
135-139   1467

The article provides a categorical and structural analysis of such a concept as "regional identity", which is quite important for understanding the situation in the regions, analyzes the problems that arise when defining this phenomenon and considers approaches to its definition. In the process of a...
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Technical and technological world: conceptual and methodological analysis

Solomko Dmitry V.
140-146   477

Criticism of digital-biological integration in the project of Chthulucene

Davydov Igor A.
153-156   904

The posthumanistic trend in modern ontology describes the world in the structure of numerical relations that form the sphere of existence without a person. Eliminating the anthropological factor from the postmodern reality of numbers, posthumanism represents a schematic topic in which there is somet...
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Brands of local socio-cultural spaces in the current philosophical discourse

Strizoe Alexandr L., Khrapova Victoria A., Latysheva Maria A.
147-152   517

The purpose of the article is a philosophical understanding of the brand phenomenon as a socio-cultural product, which reflects not only the level of development of production and consumption, but also the system of values and traditions existing in society. The relevance of the research is due to t...
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