Individual values: types of values as choice criteria

Volobuev Yaroslav V.



The author gradually moves from the most general understanding of value to a more specific one. On this path, the category of «values as criteria» is distinguished, which are a component and factor of human motivation, and, therefore, provide the basis for choice. This conceptual understanding is shared by many scientists, but there are significant differences within it. The reason for this state of affairs is in the fundamentally different types of values that belong to the category of values-criteria. The author identifies: basic values, normative values, preferences. Basic values are derived from needs and form the basis of a value-based attitude to reality. Normative values are an ideal construct, a belief. They are compared with the needful to highlight their specifics. The object of needful is always needed «for something», and is characterized by the correspondence of means to the goal. This is the relationship of benefit, profit. In the case of normative value this can not be said - it is realized «for its own sake» and is for each individual the ultimate subjective goal. Addictions are «built-in» criteria that are formed unconsciously and are not subject to direct conscious correction. They concern the choice between sorts, kinds and features of objects and to which epistemological approbation regarding their «correctness» and effectiveness of the choice is not applicable. All of these components are closely interrelated and interact with each other, forming a single structure in which the basic values occupy a fundamental place.
