The potential of political subjectivity of the students of the Siberian Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District

Kachusov Dmitry А.



The condition for the successful development of the country is the existence of well-established interaction between state institutions and civil society. This is impossible without a person realizing from a young age civic responsibility and the importance of participation in politics of every citizen. Identifying the potential of political subjectivity of the youth of Siberia and the Far East allows us to understand the degree of involvement in the political life of the country, as well as the vector and dynamics of its change. To this end, a focus group research was conducted with the participation of high school students, university students and colleges from eight regions of the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts. The study revealed both the overview of students about the role of youth in Russian politics, and their attitude to various types of political activity: participation in elections, rallies, socio-political associations, etc. Despite generally low estimates of the influence level of Russian youth on politics and a departure from public protest activities, young people do not completely abandon political participation. Their political subjectivity is "hidden" in nature due to the lack of opportunities for its successful implementation at the present time. Youth representatives concentrate on safer and more legal forms of political participation, while actively using the possibilities of the Internet.
