Measures of social support of the evacuated population during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 (by the example of Kabardino-Balkaria)

Tetuev Alim I.



In the article, based on the analysis of historiography on the topic of the study, the problems requiring study are identified, the goals, objectives, and methodology of the study are defined. The analysis of archival documents allowed the author, for the first time in Russian historiography at the regional level, to summarize the work of state bodies and public organizations to provide assistance to evacuation hospitals and the evacuated population to the republic. The methodological basis of the research is the principles of historicism, scientific character, objectivity and consistency. In addition, historical-comparative, historical-systemic, historical-typological methods, as well as the method of social analysis were used. On the basis of new archival documents and other sources, the problems of organizing the treatment, nutrition and living conditions of the wounded and sick soldiers in evacuation hospitals during the Great Patriotic War are analyzed. The activities of state, party bodies and the public in organizing accommodation, employment and household arrangements for the evacuated population in Kabardino-Balkaria are considered. The experience of labor collectives of factories, factories, collective farms, state farms, public organizations, citizens in providing patronage assistance to evacuation hospitals and evacuated population is summarized.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2022 No. 2 (71)


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