The stadial factor of development and the "Caspian circle" of coastal ethnotraditions

Victorin Victor M.



The main basis for the study is the relic specificity of the Caspian Sea Region in the whole coastal area, and the goal is to study the stages of its conservation and reproduction in dynamics. The provision on "two or three options for the Eurasian border" is taken into account. The article is based on the provision of the specificity of these unique and relict territories, and, moreover, develops it from the standpoint of ethnic and sub-ethnic (linguistic, religious) diversity in these areas. The materials were collected by long (since the beginning of 80s of XX century) field expedition of the author in the Northern Pre-Caspian region and on the coast of Dagestan, and by studies (since 2000) of the realities of the Southern Caspian Sea area ("Persian", Iranian) together with the Astrakhan State University students specializing in Fars?, future translators and teachers. Three books directly on the topic of the history of the Caspian region were attracted: by acad. V.V. Barthold, L.N. Gumilyov and Zh.B. Kundakbayeva. Particular attention is paid to the method and principle of "stadiality", unusually embodied in the Caspian region. At the same time, the concepts of "formationality" and "stadiality" (according to V.P. Ilyushechkin) are distinguished. The role of the factor of previous conquests and other external influences on these territories remains debatable. Attention is drawn to the subordinate position of the Caspian Sea region in World History (L.N. Gumilyov) and in the development of World Culture (V.V. Bartold). As a basis for this, the peculiarities of the local nature and the traditional predominance of the "appropriating" economy along the sea shores and in the adjacent foothills and nomadic steppes are emphasized. In conclusion the author puts forward some provisions on the change in the region situation with the complication of commodity economy, with the development of industry and navigation. Attention is also drawn to the role of special "Caspian" forms of ethnicity in modern time.
