Landowners colonization in the Caspian region at the end of 18th century in the context of Russian state social policy

Kuznecov-Lipeckij Nikita V.



The problem of the Russian state social development has always been one of the priorities in the national historical science. Researchers are increasingly appealing to the experience of implementing its social policy in different periods. In parallel, there is a trend towards the study of its local aspects in the framework of the development of regional studies in general. The Caspian region is considered as a strategically important territory from the point of the Russian international relations development, which potential cannot be overestimated. It also reflected in the building of social policy. In turn, this determines the interest in studying the Russian state social policy historical building process in the Caspian region. The purpose of this article is to assess the process of landowner colonization of the Caspian Sea territories from the point of Russian social policy in this region, to outline its the scale, results and role in the further historical path of the social and political development in this area, to clarify the periodization of this process. This research involved both the already existing historiography on the issue and a number of archival documents containing data that had not previously been introduced into scientific circulation. The landlord colonization of this territories under consideration appears as a chaotic, contradictory process, which, nevertheless, largely determined the vectors for the further social policy of the Russian state in the Caspian region.
