Issue 2022 No. 2 (71)

The fortified town of the Holy Cross of the Peter’s era in Dagestan: problems of research

Asvarov Nariman А., Magaramov Sharafetdin А.
9-14   1293

The article attracts the attention of the scientific community to one of the important sites in the history of the Peter’s era in the territory of the modern Dagestan - the fortress of the Holy Cross in the mouth of the river Sulak, the foundation of which was laid by the emperor Peter the Great in ...
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Landowners colonization in the Caspian region at the end of 18th century in the context of Russian state social policy

Kuznecov-Lipeckij Nikita V.
15-22   424

The problem of the Russian state social development has always been one of the priorities in the national historical science. Researchers are increasingly appealing to the experience of implementing its social policy in different periods. In parallel, there is a trend towards the study of its local ...
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The stadial factor of development and the "Caspian circle" of coastal ethnotraditions

Victorin Victor M.
23-31   442

The main basis for the study is the relic specificity of the Caspian Sea Region in the whole coastal area, and the goal is to study the stages of its conservation and reproduction in dynamics. The provision on "two or three options for the Eurasian border" is taken into account. The article is based...
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Smallpox as an activity of the foreign management

Lidzhieva Irina V.
32-38   457

The purpose of this article is to study the activities of officials of the foreign management for the prevention of smallpox in the 19th century, using the example of the Kalmyk steppe. Despite the solid historiography on the problem of smallpox vaccination in the Kalmyk uluses, a significant part o...
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Interior design features of merchant mansions of provincial cities of Russia during the eclectic period (based on the materials of Astrakhan)

Kucheruk Irina V.
39-43   689

In modern conditions of the choice of styles in architecture and design, there is a growing interest in studying the eclectic period similar to them in many respects, i.e. the last two-thirds of the XIX century. However, if the architectural features of the structures of provincial cities of this pe...
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Akhmed Imadaev - fighter pilot, participant of the Great Patriotic War

Khamzatova Zarema R., Ibragimov Movsur M., Sardalov Isa A.
44-48   543

Based on archival documents, materials of the local press, as well as the family archive, the article presents a reconstruction of the family and front-line biography of the fighter pilot, participant of the Great Patriotic War Imadaev Ahmed and his family. From the family name of the Imadaevs, who ...
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Measures of social support of the evacuated population during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 (by the example of Kabardino-Balkaria)

Tetuev Alim I.
49-56   627

In the article, based on the analysis of historiography on the topic of the study, the problems requiring study are identified, the goals, objectives, and methodology of the study are defined. The analysis of archival documents allowed the author, for the first time in Russian historiography at the ...
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New vs traditional agents of political socialization of youth of the regions of the Russian Federation in digital communication environment

Aseeva Tatyana A., Kireeva Oxana S.
57-64   561

The present day digital communications are imposed on the already formed values of the consumer society, reinforcing its specific trends. The purpose of the research is to study the characteristics and reference agents of political socialization of students in the border regions of Siberian and the ...
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Deputies of the parliament of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania of 1-6 convocations: features of recruitment

Belousov Grigory F.
65-72   756

The relevance of the research is due to the importance of identifying recruitment channels of regional political elites, especially in regions where members of parliament who are part of such elites have particularly great authority. The purpose of the research is to analyze the features of recruitm...
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The potential of political subjectivity of the students of the Siberian Federal District and the Far Eastern Federal District

Kachusov Dmitry А.
73-80   401

The condition for the successful development of the country is the existence of well-established interaction between state institutions and civil society. This is impossible without a person realizing from a young age civic responsibility and the importance of participation in politics of every citi...
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The dispute between N. Y. Danilevsky and N. P. Gilyarov-Platonov about the origin of Russian nihilism

Prokudin Boris A., Prokudina Elena K.
81-85   907

This article is an attempt to show the various ideas of conservative thinkers about the origins and meaning of Russian nihilism. In 1884, a controversy arose on the pages of the newspaper “Rus” around this topic. N.P. Gilyarov-Platonov answered N.Y. Danilevsky's article with a detailed article. Dani...
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Symbolic resources of identity policy at the local level (on the example of rural territories of the Krasnodar region)

Rusiya Natella T.
86-94   553

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the formation and structure of symbolic non-material resources at the local level. The object of the study was eight rural areas of four municipalities of the Krasnodar Territory. Symbolic politics as a component of identity politics is a powerful insti...
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Organization of political science education during COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of the faculty of political science, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Tsybryaeva Marina V.
95-100   648

The spread of the new coronavirus infection (hereinafter referred to as COVID-19) has become a turning point in higher education system around the world. All countries had questions about realization and organization of studying process with using distance technologies and focusing on the new condit...
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Investment policy of Russia: enhancement strategy investment attractiveness of the regions

Denilkhanov Aslanbek Kh.
101-107   766

The article examines the role and importance of investment policy in modern Russia. Due to the different socio-economic level of the regions of the Russian federal state, issues that cause their development remain relevant. The combined contribution of the regions to the national economy creates a s...
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Regional Turkish model of cooperation with independent countries and its approbation in Central Asia

Moskalenko Valentin A.
108-117   544

The research is devoted to the Turkish cooperation with Central Asian independent countries. The interest is the analysis of 30 years of the experience, based on cultural and linguistically and historic and religious unity of those countries. The research is aimed at considering fundamental characte...
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Japan's modern policy in Central Asia: the Turkmenistan experience

Sukiasyants Nikol N.
118-124   470

This article examines the current state of the evolution of Japanese-Turkmen relations in the context of bilateral political and economic cooperation, socio-cultural ties and people-to-people relations. Tokyo’s first attempts to gain a political foothold in Central Asia were conceived in the early 1...
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Power by the model of domination and recognition: anthropological aspect

Solovyova Svetlana V.
125-131   470

The problem of power rightfully belongs to the eternal questions of philosophy, from century to century actualizing reflection presenting a variety of approaches to its solution. The focus of the article is the anthropological perspective in the study of power. The purpose of the work is to consider...
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Social networks as an effective way to manage public opinion

Vostrikov Igor V.
132-138   1290

The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of social networks as a regulator, stabilizer and "manager" of public opinion, which becomes especially relevant in the "covid era". The purpose of the study is to consider concrete examples and analyze the main trends of the influence of online ...
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The formation of the institutions of law and order’s image in the public consciousness: domestic and foreign experience

Muratshina Julia R.
139-144   430

The article is devoted to the study and comparison of domestic and foreign practices of forming the image of law enforcement institutions. The relevance of the research is due to the importance of the role of law enforcement institutions in today's increasingly complex society. The article states th...
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Individual values: types of values as choice criteria

Volobuev Yaroslav V.
145-152   807

The author gradually moves from the most general understanding of value to a more specific one. On this path, the category of «values as criteria» is distinguished, which are a component and factor of human motivation, and, therefore, provide the basis for choice. This conceptual understanding is sh...
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