Guliev Orhan E.



In this scientific work, the author analyzes Turkey's foreign policy since the Justice and Development Party came to power to determine the nature of Turkey's geopolitics. The article uses a wide range of scientific methods to conduct an objective analysis. First of all, it is necessary to highlight the institutional method that allows us to highlight the place of the studied political institution in modern geopolitics and the comparative method used for comparative analysis. Also, in this scientific work, a dialectical method is used, which allows us to consider the object in evolution, and an abstraction method is used, which allows us to focus on the most important aspects of Turkey's foreign policy. The purpose of this scientific work is to identify the features of the geopolitics of the Justice and Development Party in the context of regional political processes. To achieve this goal, the role of the Turkish factor in modern conflicts in the Middle East is analyzed, the structure of Turkey's foreign policy is investigated, the peculiarities of the AKP policy are identified and the nature of Turkey's interaction with regional and global political actors is considered. The ideological basis of the Justice and Development Party is moderate political Islam. The new political concept of the AKP is aimed at transforming Turkey, one of the main actors in the region. To achieve this goal, the main factors are: Islamic solidarity, Turkic identity, Ottoman heritage and the implementation of multilateral humanitarian initiatives in developing countries of the region. The basis of the new political course of the country was the ideological base of the Justice and Development Party. The implementation of Turkey's independent and multi-vector foreign policy leads to both the growth of geopolitical influence and the emergence of geopolitical challenges and crisis phenomena. The current international situation (the collapse of the bipolar international system) has served as a positive driver in the implementation of the party's foreign policy doctrine. After analyzing the processes taking place in the region, it can be concluded that Turkey makes a decisive contribution to the settlement of local conflicts arising in the region.
