Ochirova Nina G., Ochirova Nyudlya Ch.


The article is devoted to the study of the life and work of the outstanding Russian scientist - Mongolian scholar, world-famous, Bulyash Khoychievna Todaeva. It was revealed that in the system of scientific interests and priorities of the scientist, the pivotal role is assigned to the study of linguistics and folklore of the Mongolian peoples, this is the peculiarity, multidimensionality and uniqueness of its scientific heritage. B. Kh. Todayeva was a pioneer in the study of the lexicology of the heroic epic of the Mongolian peoples “Dzhangar”, in fact, the ancestor of the epic lexicography. Based on the analysis, the authors of the article reveal the diversity of the scientist's scientific interests, innovation in works that combine the achievements of Western and Russian linguistics. It is noted that the scientist devoted many years of her scientific activity to field expeditionary research, collecting unique folklore of Russian and foreign Mongolian peoples, recording them from experts and keepers of oral traditions. These are proverbs and sayings, fairy tales and legends that have survived to this day. A brilliant achievement in the scientist's creative life was the fundamental works on the linguistics of the Mongolian peoples, created by her as a result of her stay for a number of years on a business trip in the People's Republic of China in the 50s last century. Analysis of the creative heritage of B. Kh. Todaeva allows the authors to say that the theoretical developments of B. Kh. Todayeva in the fields of science she studies are fundamental and versatile, differ in depth, originality of ideas, breadth of scientific ties of the scientist with domestic and foreign specialists. The multifaceted work of the scientist as a prominent representative of domestic and world science, which survived all the hardships of wartime, the deportation of the Kalmyk people, serve as an example of devotion to science and once chosen business. The works of B. Kh. Todaeva is a diary of the life of a wonderful, unique, original personality. It has become a striking phenomenon of the Kalmyk intellectual culture, and more broadly, of all Mongolian peoples.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2021 No. 4 (69)




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