Kudryashova Ekaterina V., Marmilova Ekaterina P., Karabasheva Malvina R.


The article examines the Russian and foreign experience of granting electoral rights to foreign citizens. As part of the study of the Russian peculiarities of electoral law, it was noted that at the present stage, foreigners could vote only at the municipal level on a par with the citizens of the Russian Federation, however, an important condition is the presence of concluded bilateral international treaties. In addition, foreigners must reside in the territory of a municipality for a long period. In addition, it was noted that in the post-Soviet space, the adjacent rules of permission to elect and be elected, as in the case of Russia, are generally observed. Because of the study of the characteristic features of the electoral law of foreign states, it was revealed that in most democratic European states, foreigners are granted active suffrage in local elections, however, only subject to the relevant requirements enshrined in the laws of each country. Despite this, at the present stage there are states that allow foreign citizens to take part in federal elections. Thus, New Zealand was named one of the most inclusive countries providing broad electoral rights.
