Galustyants Grigory L.


This article is devoted to the presentation of the views of foreign philosophers on the problem of spiritual identity and national identity of Russia. The factors that influenced the formation of the worldview of thinkers, historical conditions, as well as identified theoretical, conceptual sources of authors, representatives of foreign philosophy are characterized. The concepts of spiritual identity and national identity of Russia in the works of foreign philosophers are analyzed.The works of the most famous contemporary foreign authors, who primarily develop socio-philosophical and philosophical-political aspects of the Russian national identity, are examined: Z. Brzezinski, R. Pipes, J. P. Scanlan, A. Toynbee, F. Fukuyama, S. Huntington.An analysis of the concepts of Western philosophical Russian studies shows that the key tendency of modern foreign doctrines about Russia is a fundamental refusal to reveal the moment of universality of the idea of Russia. The very need for philosophy, i.e. in the logic and dialectics of the history of Russia is considered not from the standpoint of the reasonable necessity of the concept, but from the point of view of the abstract rational randomness of the empirical phenomena of the historical existence of Russian society and state. The author comes to the conclusion that all the special concepts of the idea of Russia contain a dialectical contradiction and can remove it only in its own logical selfdenial. The latter should become the beginning of a reasonable and integral paradigm of the philosophical understanding of Russia in world history.
