Ryskeldyieva Lora T.


Does worldview have a practical aspect? Yes, it has and we can find it in the impact that the philosophical text has on the reader. The meaning of a philosophical text (smysl) is connected, first of all, with the peculiarities of philosophical discourse. The complete philosophical discourse consists of theoretical, practical and metaphysical parts. Deontology as the basis of ethical and practical philosophy forms the ways of reflection of due and duty, making up a kind of symmetry to the methodology in theoretical philosophy. Analysis and hermeneutics of philosophical text make it possible to reconstruct the ethical analogue of the world view - world attitude (WA). The WA of the author of a philosophical text sets its pragmatics, defines a performative potential and can work as the basis for a typology of practical philosophies. The adherence to definite linguistic expression of due and duty by the author of a philosophical text - his textual conduct - can be a language marker of his WA. Practical and performative potential of the philosophical text is based on it.
