Shcherba Ksenia D.


The Eurasian economic Union (EEU) is the newest integration Association in the world economy and geopolitics. The status and ways of further development of this project are ambiguously perceived by the political elites and scientific communities of the EEU member States and external partners. The functioning and development of the Eurasian economic Union is taking place against the backdrop of active opposition from Western States, crisis situations in the world economy, devaluation of intra-Union currencies and a number of other threats of a foreign policy nature. Integration processes are also hindered by internal political difficulties and distrust of each other on the part of state leaders. The formation of the image of the EEU is based on the statement of the uniqueness of this integration project, which is based on the principles of voluntariness, equality and the supremacy of national sovereignty.In this paper, special attention is paid to the status of the EEU in the expert discourse of Russia and the West. According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Russian expert discourse views the EEU as the first effective integration project in the post-Soviet space, while it is proposed to use the similar experience of the European Union for further development of the Association. European scientists do not see similarities between the processes of European and Eurasian integration, noting the inconsistency of actions of the EEU member States. The European discourse also analyzes the possibility of fruitful cooperation between Europe and the new integration Association. In the expert discourse of the United States, there is a strong opinion about the political nature of the EEU, which indicates a lack of awareness and high bias of the American scientific community.
