Maksimova Elena N.


The article attempts to present, through spatial characteristics, a generalized image of the state in which the color revolution took place. The factors of color revolutions are analyzed, in particular, attention is focused on the role of spatial factors in terms of their contribution to the implementation of scenarios of color revolutions. A hypothesis is put forward about the presence of common features of the territory and the political and spatial characteristics of the states in which the color revolutions took place. As such features are highlighted: a fairly high centralization of power, characteristic of the unitary type of state-territorial structure, the liminality of the state space, the relatively small size of the state's territory, the localization of protest activity within the capital. The hypothesis was tested for two groups of countries. The first wave includes color revolutions in Serbia (2000), Georgia (2003), Ukraine (2004), Kyrgyzstan (2005, 2010), Moldova (2009). The second - the events of the Arab Spring (2010-2011), Euromaidan in Ukraine (2013-2014). The hypothesis about the influence of four spatial factors on the outcome of color revolutions in general has been confirmed
