Glazkov Alexander P., Nevezhin Dmitry O.


The article deals with the theological aspect of understanding the idea of freedom by the prominent Russian religious philosopher N. A. Berdyaev. The study of the theological dimension of the philosophy of freedom makes it possible to identify the creativity of the thinker and expand the range of problematic issues that may arise in the theoretical development of the key points of his worldview system. Taking into account the theological aspect can also become one of the criteria for classifying religious philosophical trends. When analyzing the philosophy of freedom of N. A. Berdyaev was discovered a clearly expressed theological level of its problems. Freedom is a key category in his philosophical system, and correlated with its metaphysical understanding. Freedom is transcendental and the disclosure of its meaning requires a specific theological conceptual apparatus and tools. A special role in its conceptual comprehension is played by faith, which corresponds to the theological method of cognition. In developing the concept of freedom, the Russian philosopher crosses the line that separates philosophy itself from theology and enters the field of theological thought. At the same time, Berdyaev's theology of freedom goes beyond Christian dogmatics and approaches the Gnosticism of the German mystic J. Boehme. In this regard, the theology of freedom N. A. Berdyaev can be designated as philosophical and intuitive.
