Maykova Valentina P., Petri Petr V., Molchan Eduard M.


Spiritual interaction as an energy-informational transformation of the value basis of social systems based on spiritual and moral values is studied. The research methodology is a socio-philosophical analysis of the transformation of spiritual and moral values in the dialogical interaction of subjects of energy and information exchange. Attention is focused on the value basis of social systems, which is structured in the spiritual and moral values of society and the individual, acting as a system-forming fractal that unites the subjects of interaction in the development of this reality. As the spiritual core of society, spiritual and moral values set the vector of development of the value basis of social systems, determine the features of the functioning of personal fractal structures, are expressed in the need to co-exist and co-create in the development of being a person, the search for the meaning of life. The integrity of the personality is revealed in the energy-information interaction, when spiritual and moral values from idealized and absolute phenomena of moral consciousness are determined in the subjective reality. Spiritual interactions of subjects build the value base of social systems, determine the vector of development of society and the country as a whole. Authors, generalizing the concepts of M. M. Bakhtin, G. S. Batishchev, M. Buber, K. Jaspers defines energy and information interaction as openness, responsibility, co-experience, co-creativity of subjects for the development of spiritual and moral values. The process of formation of spiritual and moral values of the individual at the energy and information level through the development of social and cultural experience of generations is substantiated. Energy-informational spiritual interaction involves participation in the exchange of spiritual and moral values, which, becoming systematic and constructive, build the value base of social systems. Transformation of the value base of social systems at the level of energy and information exchange of spiritual and moral values of subjects models a stable fractal matrix structure, ensuring the spiritual development of the individual and society.
