Bocharnikova Irina S.


The study of modern transcultural space, interaction and mutual understanding of various ethnic groups in this space taking into account the paths of modern culture development, allows us to consider culture as a stabilizing factor in the sustainable development of society. The EU experience in this direction is indicative. The EU successfully works to preserve the common cultural heritage of Europe, and also supports and promotes art and creation industry in Europe. Certain initiatives, such as the European Year of Cultural Heritage, aim to make a vivid and diverse culture accessible to all. There is a cultural component in the main areas of EU activity, including education, research, social policy, regional development and external relations. Each year, two European cities are selected as the cultural capitals of Europe: this gives an additional impetus to the local economy and makes local artists and the unique cultural wealth of each city in focus. Mobilization of the economic resource of heritage is the basis of urban regeneration. The Culture program, implemented in 2007-2013, with a budget of 400 million euro, supported projects and activities aimed at preserving, developing and popularizing the cultural diversity and heritage of Europe. The continuation of the European cultural policy in this direction was the program “Creative Europe (2014-2020)”, which provides opportunities both in the field of culture and in the audiovisual sector. The “Culture” subprogram helps cultural and creative collectives and organizations to work on a transnational basis and contributes to the cross - border dissemination of cultural works and the mobility of cultural figures. The MEDIA Creative Europe subprogram provides financial support to the EU's cinematographic and audiovisual industries in the development, dissemination and promotion of their creative work, which allows them to enter markets beyond national and European borders. In this regard, it should be noted that such cultural projects not only favor the effective promotion of the achievements of modern European culture, but also create conditions for active and creative development of national cultures of the EU. At the same time, it creates a unique transcultural space which is a factor of sustainable development of a society.
