Savenkov Roman V., Sotnikov Alexander I.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of in - depth interviews conducted on the issue of electoral absenteeism among voters of the city of Voronezh. The study did not reveal any signs of protest against the government among absentees, nor did it prove agreement with the current policy. Refusal to vote in elections today is the result of indifference to the authorities and unwillingness to participate in useless (from the point of view of respondents) procedures. Among voters of Voronezh, low interest in political processes remains, both at the federal, regional, and local levels. The main factors that maintain a high level of electoral absenteeism among citizens are satisfaction with their own economic situation, a low level of trust in candidates for elected positions at the local level, and distrust of representatives of the political opposition. The results of the in - depth interviews allow us to conclude that there is no influence on the electoral choice of the immediate environment of the respondents. According to our observations, non - participation in the elections is to a small extent determined by situational factors. As a rule, electoral absenteeism in Voronezh is a deliberate decision not to participate in the elections due to the absence of utilitarian motives and reasons for voting.
