Baeva Liudmila V.


Modern socio - cultural dynamics shows constant updating of new challenges and practices caused by them. As in the case of technological progress, constant development and renewal in social sphere is an attribute and integral feature of modern society. The purpose of this article is to study current factors affectingstability of social systems, as well as allocation those that destabilize or keep the system in a stable state. The methodology of research is based on principles of multifactorial, systemic and synergetic approaches. According to them society is considered as a complex open system, developing under the influence of various external and internal factors, importance of which can increase in crisis periods. An important methodological role for the study isplayed by the philosophy and ideology of sustainable development, which emerged in the 70-80 of the last century and became the basis for strategic development of the UN, the European Union and Russia. The study will be conducted on the basis of analysis of the UN, EU and Russian documents in the field of sustainable development and identify the parameters and factors that most affect sustainability in modern society. Based on content analysis of documents in the field of sustainable development, the factors that increase stability of social systems and destabilization factors have been identified. It is shown that in the modern world new aspects of destabilization can be attributed to the factor of cyber threats, which requires reflection in context of the theory of sustainable development.
