Reconstruction of traditional wedding ceremonies and rituals in the multicultural region of the Northern Caspian region: the function and importance at the present period

Bicharova Maria M., Topchiev Mikhail S., Kholova Lyubov A.


The article is devoted to the study of the formation of family values in the younger generation begins at the earliest stages of personality formation in the family circle and continues in the process of socialization in society. The value attitudes associated with the institution of marriage and the family are broadcast through various channels, ranging from parenting to a virtual environment. Frontier territories, such as the Astrakhan region, which are characterized by interfaith unions, are a special environment in which there are own mechanisms for maintaining the institution of the family and special channels for transmitting family values. These mechanisms include the reconstruction of a traditional wedding ceremony. As part of this study, the authors studied archival documents containing information about the traditional wedding ceremonies of the peoples living in the territory of the Astrakhan region. A content analysis of ritual traditions related to the creation of a new family (matchmaking, wedding, etc.) was also carried out, the reconstruction of which is carried out by modern cultural organizations of the region. The results of the study show that it is the wedding ceremony that can become an effective channel for transmitting traditional family values and the foundations of a particular people. The reconstructed wedding ceremony between partners, when one of them is a representative of a different nationality and religion, is a kind of portal through which the future spouse enters his new cultural environment and begins his adaptation at the initial stage of creating a family union. Participation in the restored wedding ceremony sometimes becomes an incentive for reflection on the subsequent religious transgressive transition of one of the spouses.


Scientific journal THE CASPIAN REGION

Issue 2019 No. 4 (61)




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