A State as an Actor of Identity Construction POLICY

Grishin Nikolai V.


The article evaluates the role of a state as a subject of identity construction policy. The prospects of the main actors of identity construction are not disclosed in contemporary scientific literature. This problem has practical significance in modern Russia, since in 2016-2018 there were adopted normative legal acts that entrust the state authorities with the fulfillment of tasks related to the formation of a nationwide civic identity.In science, there are significant gaps in the study of the prospects and methods of state policy in the field of identity construction. The article defines the conditions and limitations of state participation in the policy of identity formation. It is revealed that the theory of nationalizing states of R. Brubaker was the first attempt to theoretically interpret the state participation in the construction of national identity. The features of the Russian model of state policy of identity formation are revealed.The effectiveness of state policy in the field of identity construction requires clarification in the formulation of achievable goals, specification of indicators and measures.
