Glazkov Alexander P.


Studying the features of ontological bases allows to deploy a grounded typology of concepts of the philosophy of history. The article deals with the characteristic features of the ontological foundation of eschatological historiosophy, one of the variants of the conceptual explanation of the historical process. This study makes it possible to clarify the ontological mechanism of formation of this type of interpretation of the historical process. The author uses the methodology of the onto-phenomenological approach presented by M. Heidegger in "Being and time", which makes it possible to delve into the existential level of eschatological historiosophy. The representation of being is possible through the awareness of temporality. The modes of temporality manifest themselves in self-consciousness, which can be structuredthrough existentials. The understanding that manifests itself in the process of self-consciousness influences the conceptualization of history. The idea of historical reality is connected with the perception of temporality. Eschatological historicity is expressed in a specific understanding of temporality. The interpretation of the historical process depends on its ontological dimension. The ontological foundations of the eschatological philosophy of history have a theological origin and without theology can't be justified. The connection between the meaning of history and its limits can be realized at the conceptual level only within the framework of the theology of Revelation, which relies on faith as a way of understanding its truths.
