Kunyashova Svetlana V.


Cultural policy is one of the most important problems of the modern life of the civilized world, because of the changing that occur under the influence of globalization processes that have led to sociocultural modernization. Innovative methods of management in culture in the conditions of market relations have led to a close interaction of state structures and business, which requires a global analysis of the possible consequences and prospects for such cooperation. The results of such interaction in the space of a particular region cause special interest, therefore, the purpose of the article is to identify changes in the cultural policy of the state in the new conditions and analyze the interaction of state structures and private business in this areain order to identify possible consequences and prospects of such cooperation, without which it is impossible to determine strategies for the further development of the cultural sector. The research methodology is associated with a systems approach that allows to interpret the culture as an object of control at various levels. As a result of research, the author, relying on factual material and concrete examples, comes to the conclusion that it is possible to use the market economy’s rational tools in creating a “cultural product” with flexible state regulation in the cultural sphere, but weakening the paternalistic state policy towards cultural subjects leads to negative results, manifested in the form of "commercialization of culture". The problem of commercialization is ambiguous: on the one hand, this process contributes to the adaptation of cultural institutions in the context of budgetary constraints, but, on the other hand, due to rising prices, reduced availability of many services to the population, which is evident in education, Museum activities, leisure sphere and has a negative impact on personal development, making difficult to identify in a heterotopic society. In order to maintain a balance in the dialogue between business and the state, the leading role should belong to the state in order to maintain the integrity of culture and preserve the cultural heritage in the whole country and in specific regions. Only in this case it can become an effective mechanism for the implementation of strategic goals of cultural policy aimed at stable socio-cultural development.
