Dzhagaeva Olga A.


The aim of the work is to analyze the historical experience of Russian-Mongolian relations that have developed on the basis of long traditions of close communication, interaction of cultures, military and political mutual assistance, and a mutual desire to develop an optimal model of cooperation. The significance and relevance of this experience does not lose its relevance at the present time, when Russia and Mongolia are solving similar problems of developing a market economy in new domestic and international conditions. Both positive and negative aspects of the Soviet-Mongolian relationship are identified, the range of problems encountered is analyzed. Soviet-Mongolian political, trade, economic and cultural ties for Mongolia were a guarantee of safe existence, the preservation of state sovereignty and one of the main factors of development and progress; for the USSR, this cooperation ensured the security and tranquility of the state border. In this article marked the special significance of trade. The USSR exported industrial equipment, machinery, mechanisms, energy resources, a special article of Mongolian imports were petroleum products and lubricating oils. These goods were necessary for Mongolia to pursue a policy of industrialization, the development of virgin lands and the development of agriculture.
