Daily activities of the Stavropol Provincial Noble Assembly in the 1910s

Chikaeva Karina S.


In the article, on the basis of archival materials, the daily activities of the Stavropol nobility class organization in the 1910s are investigated. The author noted that the estate organization in the North Caucasus began to function from the beginning of the 19th century, the traditions of nobility self-government did not receive active development: nobles of the Kuban and Terek regions did not participate in the life of the Stavropol Assembly until 1912. The list of nobles included in the genealogical books is analyzed, and a feature of the structural composition of the North Caucasian nobility, due to the later entry of the territory into the Russian Empire and the extensive use of officers in various civilian positions, is shown. A significant part of the noble families was officers, middle and high bureaucracy with descendants, recorded in the second (538 names, 58 %) and the third part of the noble ancestry book (339 names, 36 %). The participation of noblemen in the Council work of the united noble societies was considered, it was noted that the impoverished nobility joined its work late. Daily activities of the Noble Assembly, which was distinguished by its small size and weak public activity, is presented. It is shown that the social activities of the nobility have intensified during the First World War. The Stavropol Noble organization joined the Common Noble organization to help sick and wounded soldiers. Nobles of the North Caucasus took part in charity, made donations, which significantly improved the treatment and maintenance of wounded soldiers in the hospital named after the Stavropol nobility. It was concluded that the daily activities of the Noble Assembly strengthened spiritual and moral values, contributed to the formation of the social and psychological qualities of a nobleman, based on the idea of high purpose of the class.
