The policy of the development of tourism in Azerbaijan

Samedov R.T.


Azerbaijan is an important state of the South Caucasus , which undergoes an economic increase. The country possesses unique natural climatic characteristics. From 11 climatic zones on the planet only 9 of them are located in Azerbaijan . At present moment the tourist market of the country is on the stage of formation, which goes by sufficiently rapid rates. The development of the tourism, capable of playing important role in the budget, acquired special urgency for Azerbaijan. The country, being located on the cross-road of the main ways of Europe-Asia and having available significant tourist potential, occupies thus far very modest place on the world tourist market. Enormous possibilities for the development of tourism in Azerbaijan are opened by its participation in the tourist transcontinental route of Great Silk Road, achieved under the aegis of WTO in the collaboration with UNESCO. The perspectives for the development of national tourist complex are depended on the suc-cessfol entry of Azerbaijan into the world tourist market and the adaptation to the objective realities of the global world market.